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Außenhobel Reed Machines "Cube" Oboe

2.315,00 €

we have standard templates available and we can supply personal templates, the length of the tip is adjustable,the position of the collar and so the length of the profile is adjustable ,the collar can have a “V” or “W” shape ,the thickness of the tip is adjustable ,the force on the knife is adjustable ,the thickness of the collar is adjustable while the thickness of the tip stays the same, the lifetime of a knife is thousands of reeds , the reed can be rotated 180° without taking the reed from the profiler, with this function the 2 sides of the reed can be scraped very accurate in relation to each other and it makes the scraping process efficient.
it is possibility to profile only the first 1mm or 4mm of the reed tip ,the profiler has a hard cover
the weight of the profiler is about 1,4kg


Die Französiche Ausführung kommt mit der Schablone OBA001 European short scrape.

Die Wiener Ausführung kommt mit der Schablone OB012 (Thomas Höniger 1).

Gerne stellen wir die Machine auf Ihre Wünsche vorab ein. Bitte die Bahnlänge angeben.